Bites and Stings
With the end of the summer fast approaching, insects such as bees and wasps become more of a problem as they feast on rotting fruit.
As the availability of rotting fruit continues to increase, bees and wasps become more of a nuisance and are more likely to inflict unpleasant stings. Other insects such as midges and mosquitoes also seem intent on invading our homes, especially at night, to feast.
Attack Pest Control have put together some tips on how to deal with these bites and stings.
- Cover up, especially at night. Avoid bright clothes, perfumes and scented soaps;
- Distract wasps with some jam and water in a jar, or trap them with a wasp catcher;
- Buy decent insect repellent. Start with a natural product, such as citronella and eucalyptus, but if your having to cope with swarms of midges opt for DEET;
- If you’re stung by a bee, scrape out the sting, wash the area and apply an ice pack. Then apply a solution of bicarbonate of soda or an anaesthetic spray such as Waspeze;
- With a wasp sting, wash the area, apply an ice pack, then dab on lemon juice or vinegar;
- For ticks embedded in the skin, use tweezers to grasp the heas and pull without twisting or jerking. Was the area, apply an antiseptic cream and cover with a plaster. If a rash appears, see a doctor – some ticks carry Lyme disease.
- See your doctor if you’re stung in or around the mouth.