Early Signs Of The Carpet Beetle
Leave a CommentEarly detection of the carpet beetle, and knowing where to look will help you minimise the problem of this pesky pest.
Early detection of the carpet beetle, and knowing where to look will help you minimise the problem of this pesky pest. Often the signs are noticed during the redecoration of a room within your home. Bare patches on the carpet where the furniture has been is often an indication that you have an uninvited guest, along with the presence of rice-like egg cases.
Adult carpet beetles are about 3mm long and look like mottled brown, grey and cream ladybirds; larvae are about the same length and resemble maggots with brown hairs, hence their nickname woolly bears . As they grow, they moult, so finding cast-off skins is the first sign that you have them.
Act quickly as they’ll be looking for fabrics such as carpets and clothing in which to lay eggs. As the larvae hatch, they can munch through their surroundings, leaving holes like those made by clothes moths.
Wide areas may be infested by the carpet beetles , so it’s important to trace the source. Birds’ nests or roadkill are favourite hangouts, so search the loft before you try to eliminate grubs that have moved down the house. Look for damage in airing cupboards, wardrobes and chests, as well as under carpets and rugs .
You need to launder or dry-clean affected items and vacuum carpets.
Attack Pest Control are specialists in dealing with these little beasts. Call our technicians today for professional advice and treatment.